General @en

Physium Sport

On Saturday and Sunday the team at the Quiros Center has taken specific training to the new “Physium Sport”. Physium Sport is a device that helps us increase the depth of the usual manual treatments. Freeing deep fascias. The fascia is a tissue that surrounds muscle fibers, allowing its sliding with other structures. Ex.: muscles, …

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CÓLICOS DEL LACTANTE Es un síndrome caracterizado por llanto excesivo y repentino, de predominio vespertino, sin causa identificable, entre las 2 semanas y los 4 meses de edad, y en un lactante por lo demás sano.

Personal monitoring

In my desire to grow as a manual therapist, I´m letting you know that during the treatments that you receive at our center, from this year on, we will send you an email, or give you a copy by hand in your next visit, detailing the reasons why you began treatment, a personal assessment, and …

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Voluntary skeletal muscles

A LITTLE BIT OF NARRATIVE ON THE HUMAN BODY VOLUNTARY SKELETAL MUSCLES The skeletal muscles (almost all of them voluntary) are clearly the most numerous group of muscles in the human body. More than six hundred surround almost every millimeter of our body. They represent approximately 35% of body weight in women and 45% in …

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Home service

We are expanding our home services. Call us to request an appointment for a home visit and all of the necessary information. Telephone: 609 325 589 Remember that the service hours offered at your home can also be paid, if necessary, by credit card, as in our offices.